donderdag 27 maart 2014

My porsche 944 1984 bronze project

Many colors, spoiler shape damaged. Its an euro car, not sure why someone stuck an USA front on it.. I gues its cheaper?
Replaced the timing belt in august 2010 @ 31.620km. Reused old waterpump. Replaced radiator. Replaced alarm switch on dashboard. Windowspray engine was stuck, needed awakening. Handbrake system needed some work. Brake pads seemed nearly new. Brake discs seem kinda worn. Official periodic safety control  (dutch: APK) resulted in overal approval for road usage.
Many colors, spoiler shape fixed mostly.

Many colors

Colors everywhere

new rubbers for the hatch and left driverwindow.


Roof was leaky, one of 2 locks was damaged. Improvised repair, roof shouldn't be opened. Replaced sensor in radiator at summer 2013, after one day i came at the car and the fan had drained the battery dry.
march 2014: Time for a clutch job

To remove the gearbox, you need to unscrew the shifting system with the bolt on the gearbox most closely to the shift lever. Then you need to remove the lever and push the lever system below the interior and as far towards engine as possible.

Oil leak will be fixed

small waterleak

march / april 2014: all sensors will be checked and engine mounts will be inspected
New Bearrings in the transaxle

Clutch a tiny bit completely broken

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